Criminal Law is a system of law that concerns the punishment of those who are alleged to have committed crimes.
If you have been arrested or are under investigation by the police or believe that you may become under investigation you have the right to:
If you have been arrested or are under investigation by the police or believe that you may become under investigation you have the right to:
- NOT TALK TO THE POLICE! Politely tell them that you would love to speak with them, but you need to talk to a lawyer first. This is your right! (Even though you probably don’t have a lawyer at that particular time—you still have this right!)
- Call our office immediately to set up a consultation, even if you do not retain us as your attorney, we can at least inform you of what your rights are.

Melinda Butler is a Defense Lawyer. Her passion to preserve families and commitment to justice and due process for all persons accused of a crime leads her to Courts all over the State of South Carolina. Mrs. Butler says that “many times a person charged with a crime may actually be guilty of some crime, but not the crime they have been charged with”. As your attorney, Mrs. Butler will work tirelessly to ensure that you are protected through the entire process. It is so very important to consult with her as soon as you know that you are under investigation or have been arrested.
SC Judicial Department
You may find out if a person has a criminal case pending or disposed of and also other case information here. The case records search is currently available for all counties in South Carolina:Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Berkeley, Calhoun, Charleston, Cherokee, Chester, Chesterfield, Clarendon,.. Click Here
South Carolina Legislature Online - South Carolina Code of Laws
Search any law here. Each title opens into separate chapters and there is so much information it may be intimidating. However, you can simplify your search by going to the category you are hoping to search. For example, if you are charged with a drug crime, it is most likely under Title 44, Chapter 53. Search around, you may be surprised how much knowledge you may gain from this cite. Click Here
SC Court Forms
Find most of all forms used by attorneys, judges and court staff here. For those who cannot afford to hire an attorney, this is an awesome library to help you along. Click Here
SCJD Summary Court Benchbook
This is the Magistrate Judge's Bible. It is used by the Judge to see what he or she must do in handling particular cases and situations. Everything from bond to trial to DUI. This is very useful and valuable information. Click Here
...Where did this right come from and what does it mean? I have linked the 1966 case where the United States Supreme Court first articulated "Miranda Rights." The Right to Remain Silent is alive and well today. And the State cannot use your silence against you. What this means is that it is YOUR choice whether to exercise the right to remain silent. By exercising the right to remain silent, you are doing just that: shutting up. Even if you do not have a lawyer, you still own this right to remain silent. Just because you don't have a lawyer does not mean you have to talk. If you choose to exercise this right (why would you not?) then upon your being questioned by the police or government agent, simply say "I wish to remain silent and I want a lawyer." So again, even if you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford a lawyer, it makes absolutely no difference to your exercise of this right.
miranda v. arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966)
FindLaw | Find a Lawyer. Find Answers.
Expungement Information
Click Here | Download PDF
You may find out if a person has a criminal case pending or disposed of and also other case information here. The case records search is currently available for all counties in South Carolina:Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Berkeley, Calhoun, Charleston, Cherokee, Chester, Chesterfield, Clarendon,.. Click Here
South Carolina Legislature Online - South Carolina Code of Laws
Search any law here. Each title opens into separate chapters and there is so much information it may be intimidating. However, you can simplify your search by going to the category you are hoping to search. For example, if you are charged with a drug crime, it is most likely under Title 44, Chapter 53. Search around, you may be surprised how much knowledge you may gain from this cite. Click Here
SC Court Forms
Find most of all forms used by attorneys, judges and court staff here. For those who cannot afford to hire an attorney, this is an awesome library to help you along. Click Here
SCJD Summary Court Benchbook
This is the Magistrate Judge's Bible. It is used by the Judge to see what he or she must do in handling particular cases and situations. Everything from bond to trial to DUI. This is very useful and valuable information. Click Here
...Where did this right come from and what does it mean? I have linked the 1966 case where the United States Supreme Court first articulated "Miranda Rights." The Right to Remain Silent is alive and well today. And the State cannot use your silence against you. What this means is that it is YOUR choice whether to exercise the right to remain silent. By exercising the right to remain silent, you are doing just that: shutting up. Even if you do not have a lawyer, you still own this right to remain silent. Just because you don't have a lawyer does not mean you have to talk. If you choose to exercise this right (why would you not?) then upon your being questioned by the police or government agent, simply say "I wish to remain silent and I want a lawyer." So again, even if you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford a lawyer, it makes absolutely no difference to your exercise of this right.
miranda v. arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966)
FindLaw | Find a Lawyer. Find Answers.
Expungement Information
Click Here | Download PDF
Search Warrants
In this drug case out of Spartanburg County, decided October 24, 2012, the Court of Appeals had to rule on search warrant issues and other issues which may be of interest to you. Take the time to read through this case and educate yourself on how our courts are thinking and deciding search warrant issues. Click Here to download the PDF from SCCOURTS.ORG
Is your charge eligible for PTI? This link gives information about PTI eligibility. However, just because your charge is PTI eligible does not mean you should use your ONLY chance at PTI on this specific charge. You should discuss your charge and your PTI option with a criminal defense lawyer. Pre-Trial Intervention Program Information What is pre-trial intervention? PTI is a Diversionary Program designed for first-time offenders of non-violent crimes. This system allows the defendant to be diverted from court and enter into a program consisting of counseling, education, community service... Click Here
SC Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services
If you are on probation or parole, below are the standard supervision requirements. These are the very minimum. Each individual will have varying requirements in addition to these. Persons on probation, who are ordered to pay restitution to a victim, are also subject to a 20 percent collection fee added to any amount they are ordered… Click Here
Inclement Weather
Click Here to find out if your county offices/courthouses are closed due to inclement weather.
Self-Help Criminal Law
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Current Union Jail Population
Click Here to find out what your currentcounty offices/courthouses jail populations are.
Penalty for a Crime
Click Here to find out for a person charged with a crime to view the penalty for their crime..
View Arguments in the SC Supreme Court
Click Here This is the appeal page for any person to view arguments in the SC Supreme Court.
In this drug case out of Spartanburg County, decided October 24, 2012, the Court of Appeals had to rule on search warrant issues and other issues which may be of interest to you. Take the time to read through this case and educate yourself on how our courts are thinking and deciding search warrant issues. Click Here to download the PDF from SCCOURTS.ORG
Is your charge eligible for PTI? This link gives information about PTI eligibility. However, just because your charge is PTI eligible does not mean you should use your ONLY chance at PTI on this specific charge. You should discuss your charge and your PTI option with a criminal defense lawyer. Pre-Trial Intervention Program Information What is pre-trial intervention? PTI is a Diversionary Program designed for first-time offenders of non-violent crimes. This system allows the defendant to be diverted from court and enter into a program consisting of counseling, education, community service... Click Here
SC Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services
If you are on probation or parole, below are the standard supervision requirements. These are the very minimum. Each individual will have varying requirements in addition to these. Persons on probation, who are ordered to pay restitution to a victim, are also subject to a 20 percent collection fee added to any amount they are ordered… Click Here
Inclement Weather
Click Here to find out if your county offices/courthouses are closed due to inclement weather.
Self-Help Criminal Law
Click Here
Current Union Jail Population
Click Here to find out what your currentcounty offices/courthouses jail populations are.
Penalty for a Crime
Click Here to find out for a person charged with a crime to view the penalty for their crime..
View Arguments in the SC Supreme Court
Click Here This is the appeal page for any person to view arguments in the SC Supreme Court.